The 78th Edition of the Identity Jedi Newsletter

Crossing the Chasm, CyberArk enters the chat, IDENTIVERSE!!

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By David Lee·<Insert Date>

Hey Jedi welcome to the edition of the Identity Jedi Newsletter

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This week's edition

CyberArk Enters the Chat…with 1.5 BILLY!!

Yeah…those Platform Wars..they aren’t over. CyberArk looking to buy Venafi as the Non-Human Identity Market continues to heat up.

93% of organizations suffered two or more identity-related breaches

Well, shit.

I mean, that’s the realist reaction I can give to reading that…but wait, it gets worse…

“In the last 12 months, 93% of organizations suffered two or more identity-related breaches. And, with 9$% of our respondents using more than 10 vendors for identity-related cybersecurity initiatives, organizations find themselves tangled in a fishing line of multiple systems, applications, and services across different platforms and locations.”

That’s an excerpt from the latest Identity Security Threat Landscape 2024 report by CyberArk. ( You can download the full report below)

The report also dives into the potential impacts of AI, the rise of machine identities and how they’re managed ( or arent’ in this case).

If you read nothing else in this report I would highly recommend you read page 26, titled “The Path Forward”. It talks about automation, AI ,and ITDR. I know, know, all buzzwords but they do a good job of breaking it down to real terms and not just buzz. We are in for a fight in identity and there is a lot of work to be done. We’ll need automation in the area of detection and response; we’ll need to learn how to view identity not just as an admin task but as a security task.

identity-security-threat-landscape-2024-report.pdf17.98 MB • PDF File

Navigating Identity Security Like a Pro: Lessons from "Crossing the Chasm"

Remember the time when "Crossing the Chasm" by Geoffrey A. Moore was the hottest topic at every tech meetup? Well, it's time to dust off that copy because we're about to take a wild ride comparing its timeless insights with the electrifying shift from IAM (Identity and Access Management) to Identity Security. Buckle up; it's going to be a fun (and informative) journey!

The Great Adventure Begins with the Technology Adoption Life Cycle

Picture this: Innovators and Early Adopters are the cool kids trying out the latest tech gadgets before they're cool (think of them as the ones who had Apple Watches before it was a thing). Then there's the Early Majority, those pragmatic folks who need a little more convincing before jumping on the bandwagon. Following them are the Late Majority and the Laggards, who are pretty much saying, "Fine, I'll upgrade if I absolutely have to."

In the realm of cybersecurity, we've seen a similar narrative unfold. IAM was once the shiny new toy, helping us manage who gets into our digital kingdoms. But as cyber threats evolved, so did the need for a more holistic approach – enter Identity Security, the next level in safeguarding our digital realms from the baddies lurking in the shadows. Or is it?

The Chasm: Where Good Ideas Go to Die?

Ah, the infamous chasm – that perilous gap between the Early Adopters and the Early Majority. Many a brave innovation has met its doom here, unable to convince the pragmatic majority that it's worth the leap.

In our tale, Identity Security stands at the edge, peering into the abyss. It's not just about managing access anymore; it's about a comprehensive strategy that includes behavior analysis, risk assessment, and more. But how do we convince the pragmatists that this leap is not only necessary but vital for their survival? What tools do we use make use of the endless amount of data that we produce when it comes to access? Oh yeah, and also, who is going to do this work!?

Identity has long been buried in the trenches of IT infrastructure. Living a life of tickets, and completion rates. Across the way was "traditional security". Responding to incidents, configuring networks, and playing whack-a-mole with bad guys as they constantly found different ways to access environments.

Rallying the Troops with the Whole Product Concept

Remember the "Crossing the Chasm" part where Moore talks about the Whole Product Concept? That's where you don't just sell a product; you sell a solution that meets all the customer's needs – including those they didn't know they had. For Identity Security, this means not just offering top-notch technology but also ensuring it integrates seamlessly with existing systems, comes with excellent support, and addresses real-world problems in a way that even the most cautious of buyers can't ignore.

Imagine if we approached the shift to Identity Security like aiming for a strike in bowling – focusing on knocking down one pin (niche market) at a time. By concentrating our efforts on specific industries or sectors, demonstrating clear wins, and building momentum, we can create a domino effect that propels Identity Security across the chasm and into the arms of the Early Majority.

Once we've got the ball rolling (or the pins falling, in our bowling analogy), we might just find ourselves in the midst of a Tornado – that glorious moment when the market catches on, and adoption skyrockets. Suddenly, everyone's talking about Identity Security, and it's not just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have.

Crafting the Perfect Message

But to get there, we need the right positioning and messaging – something that speaks directly to the Early Majority's concerns. It's not just about fearmongering with tales of cyber doom; it's about showing how Identity Security can be a hero in their story, making their lives easier and their companies safer.

And there you have it, folks – a whirlwind tour of how "Crossing the Chasm" can give us a roadmap for navigating the shift from IAM to Identity Security. Whether you're a cybersecurity newbie or a seasoned pro, there's never been a more exciting time to be in the field. Now, if only we could find a way to make password resets as thrilling as this transition...but that's a story for another day.

Identity Jedi Show Podcast

The Last Word

IDENTIVERSE!!! It’s less than One Week AWAY, and I CANNOT WAIT! So excited to hang out with all of you in Las Vegas! We’ve got an Identity Jedi Happy Hour, Live Recording of the Podcast, A MasterClass Session, and meet and greets walking around the expo floor! It’s an Identity Jedi Takeover!!! LOL.

If you’re attending make sure to say hi, grab a selfie, and for those of you that can’t make it this year, we’ll miss you and send you lots of pictures!

Be Good to each other, Be Kind to each other, Love each other

-Identity Jedi

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